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Swap Crypto



The swap function allows converting currencies for free. 

It is available for the following currencies: USDT / USDT20 / USDTRX, ADA / WADA, OCC / OCCADA.


There are two ways to swap crypto: using the right screen or using the wallet.

Option 1: On the Right Screen

To open the quick exchange, swap the main screen right or click the Buy/Swap button:

The Buy/Swap screen will be opened:

You can tap the currency in From or/and To fields to select another currency.
If you don't have a wallet for the desired coin, it will be created automatically.



Once you select the coin you would like to exchange and the coin you'd like to get, you will be shown the minimum swap amount, as well as the maximum swap amount (for iOS users). 

The swap rate is updated in the interface every 10 seconds to reflect the market dynamics. If you take a few minutes to think, you may get a slightly different amount of coins than planned.

Press Swap to finish the operation.

Option 2: in the Wallet

Press the Swap button in your Wallet tab.

Select the currency you want to swap and the currency you want to get. 

Once you select the coin you would like to exchange, you will be shown the minimum swap amount, as well as the maximum swap amount (for iOS users).

The swap rate is updated in the interface every 10 seconds to reflect the market dynamics. If you take a few minutes to think, you may get a slightly different amount of coins than planned.

Floating and Fixed Rate

You can change the rate option for swapping:

Floating rate

Each transaction has its own currency rate. Cryptocurrencies are very volatile, so the rate may be changed at any time, thus classified as "floating." In this case, you may get a different rate than you expected.

If you're willing to accept the rate volatility in exchange for a better exchange rate, a floating rate makes sense.

Fixed rate

The fixed exchange rate is the rate that is displayed to the user at the start of the transaction, regardless of future rate volatility. As a result, when trading crypto at a fixed rate, you always know how much you'll get right at the start.

When converting crypto and not prepared to accept exchange rate market risk, using the fixed rate makes sense. This option may be unavailable for some coins.

HitBTC Crypto Wallet in Apple Store or Google Play Market.

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